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Parrallel pSRAM
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Pseudostatics Sram (pSRAM)

PSRAM uses 1T + 1C technology, so smaller in size,
the I / O interface of PSRAM is the same as that of SRAM
there are currently 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB and 128MB in capacity.
Can provide a wide range of bandwidth from 100Mbps ~ 2.128Gbps.
winbondWinbond is a specialty memory IC company engaged in design, manufacturing and sales services. From product design, research and development, and wafer fabrication to the marketing of brand name products, Winbond endeavors to provide its global clientele top quality low to medium density memory solutions.The following are the product parameters of Pseudostatics Sram:16Mb~64Mb Density;133MHz / 70ns Speed;-40~85℃ Temperature.
Part No. Density Voltage Speed Temp. Organization Download
W966K6HBG 32MB 1.8V 133MHz / 70ns -40~85℃ 2Mbit x16 CRAM Contact Us
W956K6HBC 32MB 1.8V 133MHz / 70ns -40~85℃ 2Mbit x16 CRAM-ADM Contact Us
W956D6KBK 64MB 1.8V 133MHz / 70ns -40~85℃ 4Mbit x16 CRAM-ADM Contact Us
W956D6HBC 64MB 1.8V 133MHz / 70ns -40~85℃ 4Mbit x16 CRAM-ADM Contact Us
W966D6HBG 64MB 1.8V 133MHz / 70ns -40~85℃ 4Mbit x16 CRAM Contact Us
MT45W1MW16PDGA-70 16M 1.7V--1.95V 70ns -40~85℃ -- Contact Us
MT45W1MW16BDGB-701 16M 1.7V--1.95V 70ns -40~85℃ -- Contact Us