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Home ? Product Center ? Flash ? SPI NAND Flash ? ATO ?

NOR-based flash has long erase and write times, 
but provides full address and data buses, allowing random access to any memory location. 
This makes it a suitable replacement for older read-only memory (ROM) chips,
which are used to store program code that rarely needs to be updated,

ATOThe World first, successfully developed 133Mhz grade 1Gbit 3.3V SPI NAND Flash by ATO’s own technology for mobile phones, set-top box, black box, digital TV, such as the consumer market. The following are the product parameters of Spi Nand Flash:1Gb Density;3.3V Voltage;WSON/SOIC Package,133Mhz (CL=15pF) Speed.
Part Number Density Voltage Bus Width Speed PKG Availability Download
ATO25D1GA 1Gb 3.3V x1~x4 133Mhz (CL=15pF) (WSON/SOIC) Now Contact Us